Spring Tree Giveaway

Our Partners


Nature’s Advocate In


We work with volunteer groups to replant our city’s trees, along the streets, in the parks and at our schools.


We speak out for policies and plans that protect our urban forest .


We help residents to become inspired and informed to speak out for trees.

Supporting and Growing Trees in and around Fredericksburg

How We Serve


We teach our children to understand and appreciate trees.


We give away thousands of trees a year to residents.


We work with the community on tree planting, care and education.

Give back to Fredericksburg!

Your support will help us bring vibrant natural growth within our city.

Why Tree Fredericksburg?

We think that a healthy tree canopy helps grow a healthy community

We want to inspire people to value trees and understand how critical trees are to our health and well being

We want to enhance our ecosystem here in Fredericksburg to make our city inviting and healthy for all critters 

We want to create beautiful neighborhoods with a sense of place 


Is Tree Fredericksburg a full-service tree company?

Tree Fredericksburg is a non-profit entity focusing on education, advocacy and tree planting for the City of Fredericksburg, Schools, Parks and other public facilities. We do not do tree care for individuals but are happy to answer tree questions from anyone seeking advice.

Does Tree Fredericksburg only work in the City of Fredericksburg?

Most of our tree activities are centered within the City of Fredericksburg, but we are always willing to assist with information and outreach to any community needing tree help.

How do I become a Tree Steward?
Tree Fredericksburg holds a yearly class for tree steward certification. The class is 12 weeks long. More information regarding our Tree Stewards can be found at Tree Stewards | Tree Fredericksburg. A Training Manual for Virginia Tree Stewards (treesvirginia.org)
How do I get a tree for in front of my house?

The utility strip in front of your house that is located between the curb and the sidewalk is owned by the City of Fredericksburg.  All trees planted in this strip must be approved by the city.  You may contact the City Arborist directly by calling 540-372-1023 or send an email to bprobbins@fredericksburgva.gov.

How can I get more information on tree care for my trees?

There is a lot of information about tree care here on our website under Resources or feel free to email us at treefredericksburg@gmail.com and we will respond quickly to your concerns.